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Friday, October 31, 2008

Learn the Power of Mind Over Matter

The mind matters. It affects your life, your wealth and your health. The power of the mind has been investigated, probed and research since science was at its infancy and its protagonists were able to look inside the mind's eye and started the discovery to its secrets. It has advanced so far yet so little, more than 80% of the secret of the brain remains undiscovered terrain, because the tools have yet to be invented to delve into those dark enclaves of mental secrecy. However, we are benefiting from a century that is able to control the powerful brainwaves in the mind that can create peace, balance and harmony in our lives.

You would be surprised to know that this has been around for a long time, living in a form called meditation that has been often wrapped in the allure and mystery of Asia and the Middle East. But the Western world and science have kept up, and in some cases superseded the old methods of meditation that has bridged the gap between traditional difficult-to-learn methods with the ease of science and technological tools. Now everyone can learn the power of mind over matter and the methods for reaching that state has become startlingly easy. A combination of methods will help you reach a state of mental relaxation where the subconscious is accessible and transformable.

The root of the problem with a lot of our negative behavioural patterns and mindsets is down to the fact that our conscious mind has been sculpted by years of experience and teaching, based on sight and sound. Some of us have literally taught ourselves to be negative and be unsuccessful in life and be content with it. Why not set yourself free? Change your mindset and be a winner. That person is within you, and you can't hear him because he is incarcerated in the self-built prisons of your conscious brain and your subconscious mind.

There are many methods for you to tap into the power of the mind and release the correct brain waves and frequency patterns that allow you to reach a state of acute intelligence, creativity and optimal 'super' learning. From yoga, to programmed meditation, hypnotism to technological wonders like magnetic field and binaural beats that stimulate the exact cortical and cerebral brain response - precise for optimal reprogramming and change.

There is no limit to what you can do with more brain power. These very same technologies are used to treat degenerative mind diseases like Parkinson's and dementia. They are used to assist in the process of healing in difficult patients. They are used to cure acute depression and slowly cure behavioural problems like A.D.D and O.C.D. Children are now using it to enhance their learning and creativity at a young formative age so that their subconscious is programmed for such a heightened state for the rest of their lives.

If you can take even a fraction of such power and promise - imagine where you will be a few months down the road from now. Wherever it is, it surely is a better place then where you are now. So what do you have to lose? Learn the power of mind over matter today.

By Greg Frost
Source : Learn the Power of Mind Over Matter Read More...

How Do You Feel ?

There it is again. That awful buzz that the alarm clock makes when it goes off in the morning, signaling to you that it's time to get up and start your day. It's amazing just how loud that sound can be when the house is so quiet and how dreadful it can make you feel when you know what that sound is waking you for. It's time to get up, get the kids ready, feed the dog get, everyone off to school or wherever they go and then head to work. On your way into the office you start going over in your head just how lousy you know this day is going to be and how much you're gong to miss while you sacrifice your time for a paycheck that barely covers your bills. Does it Feel like you are in the movie "Groundhog Day"? If you are like most people you dream about the day when you don't have to be a slave to that alarm clock anymore and become financially free to live the life you've always wished for. But it's just a fantasy right? Well, yes, until you learn the little secret that is hidden within us all to making our dreams a reality!

There is a law that has been in place since the dawn of man that until recently had been quiet, yet very much in effect. A law so powerful and all consuming that has been within all of us since the day we took our first breath.

The Law of Attraction.

You no doubt have heard of the saying "what goes around comes around" and I'm sure you've had instances in your life which proves this statement to be true. The Law of Attraction basically states that what we put out into the Universe, whether it be thoughts or actions, comes back to us and in many cases ten fold! Everyone is controlled by this Law, but few know of it and fewer still, how to use it to shape their reality. The wonderful thing about it is it is so easy to implement and it starts by just a thought. A good one. Am I telling you that you can control the type of life you live just by the thoughts you have? Yes, I am.

This power, the power of positive thinking, will bring all of your desires to fruition freely and quickly! By envisioning yourself as the recipient of the great things of your dreams you are invoking the power of the Universe into making your dreams a reality! Have you ever noticed the string of good luck you tend to find when you give to charity? For example, have you ever walked out of your local grocery store at Christmas time and put your last few dollars in the red bucket by the door? It's all the money you had for the week but you felt compelled to help anyway and gave it away selflessly? Later, you may find a $20 bill you never realized you had lost a few days before your next payday. You call it luck, but it's not, it's the Universe giving back to you!

As for that JOB, the one you have lost interest in, I will bet you can make your dream of taking your future in your own hands a reality by starting a business of your own if you believe you are able to do it! This power has been in you all along, now that you know of it, go and use it to work for you! By applying the same effort you give to your current job which you don't even like and putting it towards a business of your own, how could you possibly fail? Especially when you implement a proven, legitimate and solid system backed by a network of people who are just as interested in your success as you are your own. The power within yourself is enough to make your dreams come true, can you imagine what can cultivate when you have others behind you giving out the same positive thoughts towards your success? The sky is the limit as to what you really can do. In fact, the only limits are the ones you put on yourself...

By Russ Sutton
Source : How Do You Feel ?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

4 Good Reasons to Forgive

Much has been said about the virtues of forgiveness, yet many today who need to forgive are unable or unwilling to do so. This is mainly due to the wrong understanding of what forgiveness is. Most people, when given a clearer understanding of what forgiveness is, become more willing to do so.

Here are some good reasons why you should forgive:

1. Forgiveness is about YOU

Many people are of the opinion that forgiving a perpetrator allows the perpetrator to escape punishment. They think that forgiveness is about giving the perpetrator a second chance at the expense of the injured party.

The truth is forgiveness is all about the injured and is for the benefits of the injured. The focus of forgiveness is for the injured to finally be able to let go of the pain that has continued to hurt him or her even long after the initial assault. It is to help the injured find peace within so that he or she can move on in life without having to continuously carry the pain of the injury.

Forgiveness does not mean condoning the act or absolving the perpetrator of his or her responsibility for the action. It does not mean that the injured will tolerate being inflicted with the same injury again and again. It does not mean reconciliation although reconciliation may happen if the injured wishes.

Forgiveness means standing up for your rights and your self worth. It means drawing a boundary about what you will accept as OK and what is not OK. It means having the courage to assert your rights and responsibilities.

2. Forgiveness is the best revenge

People who have been badly hurt by an intimate person such as a spouse, partner, parent, sibling or close friend sometimes erroneously believe that by staying in the hurt, they are somehow indirectly punishing the perpetrator. They see it as their way of getting back at the perpetrator.

This logic does not hold water because very often the perpetrator does not really care about you in the first place or else he or she would not have cause the injury. In addition, continue to wallow in the pain only prolonged the injury long after it has happened. If it was the intention of the perpetrator to hurt you, clinging on to the pain only multiplies his or her success at hurting you.

In fact, the best revenge of the injured is to live a good and happy life after the injury. This is the surest way to foil the perpetrator's "success".

3. Forgiveness improves your health

Studies have shown that an unforgiving heart suffers increased risk of stress, anxiety, depression, anger, hatred, jealousy, ill will, sadness and insomnia. In addition, an unforgiving heart also risks high blood pressure, heart attack, skin eruptions, arthritis, backache, stomach ulcer, migraine, frequent cold and perhaps even risk of malignancy.

Genuine forgiveness, on the other hand, can have the opposite effects. There is reduced stress, anxiety, depression, anger, hatred, jealousy, ill will, sadness and insomnia as well as a reduction in physical ailments. On top of that, studies have also shown that those who are forgiving tend to grow old with more peace and satisfaction, and less afraid to face death.

So, a forgiving person benefits from improved health in all areas, i.e. physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

4. Forgiveness makes you a better and stronger person

Another myth about forgiveness is that only the weak forgives. The truth is that only the strong can forgive. That is because forgiveness requires the courage to truly face the emotional pain and injuries, to embrace them and then to eventually let them go. This task is so difficult and painful that many are not able to face it but it is a necessary initial step towards forgiveness.

So, only the strong can forgive. The good news is that once the injured is able to go through the process of forgiveness, he or she will grow to become stronger. There will be a change in his or her fundamental belief systems as well as a renewed purpose and meaning to life. Life will be re-invigorated once again when the old hurt can be left behind without becoming a burden.

So, if you have been hurt before and find it hard to forgive, seriously consider all these good reasons why you should forgive and start to learn how to forgive. It's going to do you a world of good. I promise.

By Tim Ong
Source : 4 Good Reasons to Forgive

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Phrases That Can Make Your Dream Die !

The most damaging phrase in our language is: It's always been done that way.

-Grace Hopper-

A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a joke or worried to death by a frown on the right person's brow.

-Charles Brower-

These two quotes probably make each one of us think of a dream we once had where we really thought we could make a difference in some area. Then we told others, and they either didn't think we could do it or told us it wouldn't work because it had never been done that way.

Many times we just listened to them and let the dream die; then tried to convince our self that it would never have worked anyway. Years later we then still regretted the fact that we let others have the power to convince us our dream would never work.

God has given you unique gifts and talents that He wants you to use for His work on earth. There is no other person that has the exact personality as you, and He has a perfect plan for your life.

God has the power to see how He can use you in the whole scheme of things. All you can see is the small area of world around you. Your vision is also limited to what your mind can comprehend, and most of the time that is only what you have seen before.

God, the Creator, knows how everything works together, and He can see the whole picture. Many times what He says can look like it does not make sense because you cannot see what the other person is doing that fits in perfectly with what you are doing.

If you have a dream, pray about it first and make sure it is something that God wants you to do. Once you are sure about that, ask Him to give you a dynamic faith to carry out the idea or dream.

He will never lie to you and the more you read and study his Word and have personal time with Him, the more you will know that you can trust Him with your life. When he tells you to do something, you can have confidence to proceed knowing that He is walking ahead of you to pave the way.

When you do things in this way, you are not affected as much by others who try to discourage or demean your idea or dream. You will have to acquire patience if you follow God, but in the end you can be sure that He will bring everything to pass according to what He has promised.

You really can trust Him to always have your best interest at heart when you follow His plans. He wants to bless His Children just like you have the desire to bless your own earthly children.

Try it and see what great things He can accomplish through you!

By Cathy Deaton
Source : Phrases That Can Make Your Dream Die ! Read More...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Self Confidence vs Arrogance

Self Confidence vs arrogance is a debatable issue because they can be mistaken for one another. Are you building self confidence? Do people see it as confidence or arrogance?

Can you tell them apart? It can be difficult. If people don't know you, what might come across as arrogant might actually be self confidence gone overboard.

Self confidence can be seen in people who are self assured, yet who are sufficiently humble to accept the fact that they are not always right. They are ready and willing to consider other people's points of view, rather than strictly adhering to their own.

Self confident people do not get upset if their ideas and opinions are challenged. Quite the opposite. They are open to stimulating discussions from all sides before reaching a conclusion.

Arrogant people, on the other hand, only 'appear' self assured and self confident. Actually, they lack confidence and use arrogance to compensate. Their arrogance leaves little room for topic debates or consideration of other people's opinions and feelings. It's quite common for arrogant people to show little concern for anything but their own beliefs.

If you're building self confidence from a life of low self esteem, you are likely to exaggerate your confidence which shows to others as arrogance. It's likely that you are building self confidence, but are still struggling with other issues such as low self worth and ineffective social skills brought on by the isolation of low self esteem.

To boost self esteem and self confidence, you are likely to take a rigid stance on issues even if your conclusions are wrong. You might tend to put other people and their ideas down in an effort to protect yourself.

Arrogant people become boastful in certain situations when they feel threatened. That's because they are struggling to maintain the confidence they have acquired. They are unsure of how stable their confidence really is. In fact, they probably harbor a great deal of doubt about themselves.

People with a healthy level of self confidence are positive and open. They naturally attract other positive people and gain their respect readily.

Are you building self confidence or arrogance?

If you are easily anxious, unsure of yourself, argumentative, and unwilling to consider another person's point of view, you are leaning towards arrogance. If you are calm within yourself, comfortable with who you are and willing to freely discuss opposing ideas without being judgmental, congratulations. You are a confident individual.

If you're arrogant you have a lot of work to do, but it's quite within reach for you to build self confident and become self assured. Begin by discovering yourself. Try to establish your motives and see what you need to do to resolve them.

Building self confidence takes time, but it can be done by discovering your strengths and focusing on those. Direct your confidence-building to those areas first and in time, you can expand it to all areas of your life.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

1 (Passion) + 1 (Power) + 1 (Purpose) = 111 (Means a Whole Bunch of Passion, Power and Purpose!)

Live according to your purpose, and you'll discover a natural passion for life; and within that, you'll feel a great deal of personal power. If you want to feel totally empowered, learn who you are and be 100% of you 100% of the time!

You may need to do some soul-searching and uncovering in order to discover your true self and determine your bigger connection in life. All this requires is a willingness to become more aware, to heal and/or regain yourself, and claim your greatness.

You must decide whether or not you want to be empowered by making choices and changes according to your vision and purpose, or if you just want to take chances and go blindly into life hoping you might run into something that makes you feel complete. Choice or chance...which do you choose?

Signs of Soul Print Neglect

I've written previously if you never fill your donut hole, it'll leave you with a hole in your soul. This will ultimately result in some degree of dysfunction or pathology, accompanied by the three primary dysfunctions of depression, aggression, and addictive behavior. Once any part of this nasty triad arrives it'll bring with it a denial system which will blind you from seeing the severity of the dysfunction.

This denial system will rationalize, intellectualize, minimize, blame, and create distractions - as well as manifesting a myriad of other dynamics - all to have you not see what's really happening. Addictive behaviors can be especially challenging to see because they're often subtle at first, then hidden behind the walls of denial.

Addictive energy goes far beyond just drugs and alcohol and can hide itself in relationships, substances or activities, and through your ego and emotions. Some addictive behaviors, such as excessive spending, gambling, over-eating and unhealthy relationships, are easily camouflaged because they're actually socially encouraged. What ultimately happens, however, is instead of you expressing yourself through your thoughts and actions, the addictive energy slowly takes over and begins to express itself through your thoughts and actions.

There is an Old Persian Proverb: Man takes drink; drink takes drink, drink takes man.

I believe this summarizes how this addictive process occurs. Addiction, simply stated, is the anti-spirit or soullessness.

When you're able to feel a connection to the Divine and your Soul Print, know and live your life purpose, you then have the ability to fully express yourself rather than the addictive behaviors.

You have a choice of either choosing meditation or medication.

The latter, of course, can be either doctor prescribed, self-prescribed, or through any behavior that is engaged in for the primary purpose of suppressing emotions. Meditation on the other hand is one of many healing foods for your soul.

Which do you choose?

Top 5 Ways How to Stay Motivated All the Time

1. Write down your goals on a piece of paper and paste it on somewhere you can see it often. This is one of the most powerful motivation strategies you can use, but this is also what most people fear to do. People always are shy about their goals and they do not dare to publicly tell their goals to the people they knew. If you do this, you will be often reminded by your goals, as a result, you will always drive into taking massive action. If you are serious in achieving what you want in your life, do this.

2. Spend at least 30 minutes everyday in reading motivational or self-improvement books or articles. If you think that it is expensive and you cannot afford to buy so many books, you can actually find most of the resources from the internet for free. Blogs, forums, eBooks, articles, and newsletters are all free motivational resources available to you. The key here is to make sure that you keep your momentum going. Once you let go of your momentum, it is hard to get it up again. So develop your momentum and keep it going.

3. Use creative visualization and imagine the results of after having what you want to achieve in your life every night before you sleep. Visualization is one of the most powerful motivation tools you can use for free in your life. You can imagine anything you want with your mind. Spend about 5 to 10 minutes and visualize what you are doing after you have achieved your goals. If your goal is to become rich, imagine what you can do with all the money you have.

4. Find and join a mastermind group. Your surrounding can affect you. Therefore, you must make use of it wisely. If you keep on staying with negative friends, you will be influenced by their negative thinking as well. I'm not asking you to leave your friends, but try to avoid being affected by their negativity. And you can also increase your positivity by joining people who share the same goals and objectives as you. You can do so by joining discussion boards, groups from the internet or form a mastermind group yourself.

5. Finally, after having so much of hard work, you will need to have some enjoyment. If you want to live a successful life, you need to be balance. After taking massive action, relax for some time and enjoy your life. Read More...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Life is Change

We humans have a morbid fascination with security. What's this all about? As you look more closely at how we define 'security' for ourselves, you can begin to learn what it is you really mean when you say that you're working to provide a secure future for your family. Doesn't it mean that you have sufficient income (for now and for the future) not just to provide you and your family with the necessities of life, but also both to maintain your lifestyle at its current level, but also to provide the other members of your family with those benefits you want them to have (like advanced schooling)?

Doesn't it mean having a stable family life? How about having access to the kinds of health care and preventive programs that will best promote the health and well-being of you and your family members? Shall I continue? Doesn't 'security' imply not only freedom from crime and attacks, but also the freedom to pursue your favorite sports, hobbies, and pastimes? In short, doesn't 'security' imply to you maintaining at least the quality of life to which you've become (or wish to become) accustomed?

Then, along comes midlife, and what happens? It seems (often quite rightly) that your security is being blown all to hell and from the inside out. Your career is threatened, your family is threatened, your health is threatened, everything gets put 'on the line' in a landslide of insecurity that catches you off-guard and without a stable foothold to hang on to. When midlife threatens to strip everything away, what's left? The answer to that questions depends entirely on you, but, whatever it may be, that core of 'self' that remains when all else seems to be dissolving around you is where you find your spiritual center. If you can muster sufficient humility to allow the midlife transition to expose the core of your being, there you'll find all the clues that you need to your identity as a person, your purpose in life, and your destiny.

I need to remind you of the caveat I always mention whenever I talk of that rather dangerous term, 'destiny.' People tend to think of 'destiny' as a predetermined path along which you're given no choices but to fulfill. That approach to destiny distorts its meaning so as to make it not only unpalatable, but almost frightening. If you have no choice, then why try? On the contrary; your destiny only begins with your DNA. You're not born with infinite possibilities: your possibilities are limited (at least) by your genetic makeup from the instant you begin to exist. Every moment thereafter, those possibilities continue to be shaped, pruned and honed until you come down to the person who looks back at you from the mirror every morning. Your destiny has been shaped by your environment, your experiences, and every choice that you've ever made.

Choice - that comes down to only two: to choose to work with your destiny as you experience it today, or to work against it. It means accepting the person you are today (and therefore the person you will be tomorrow) or rejecting it. I very much like the characterization of that choice in these terms: you either choose your destiny, or choose your fate. What's most important for you to appreciate is that your destiny does not represent a static future: it's totally dynamic, shifting and evolving with every new experience and every single decision that you make (big or small). You're building your bridge to the future as you walk on it.

Returning to my original point, I want to challenge you to take another look at 'security'. Once you accept that your destiny is a dynamic concept, you'll soon recognize that any definition of 'security' that makes it a static point in time or a changeless goal distorts it. Rather than being a state, true security is a condition of preparedness (like strength and agility) that allows you to discern the 'signs of the times' and take proactive measures that will promote your (and your family's) well-being. No matter how clear your vision of the future may seem, it will never adequately encompass everything that you're going to encounter between now and then. The future that you will experience may have very little in common with your imagining of it. Because it's dynamic, it's also unpredictable.

They say that the only two certainties are death and taxes. That may be true; but, what most concerns me is that so many people going into midlife seem to want a life that's not only certain, but static. In my estimation, that means 'dead.' What good is a life - a destiny - a spirituality - that's essentially dead? Midlife happens upon you as that time in your adult life when you're invited to give up the dreams of 'happily ever after' and to accept the challenge of putting your hand to life's tiller and steering your course for the rest of your life though the ever-shifting winds and tides that surround you. Midlife is also that time when you come to accept that tomorrow may bring changes that today never anticipated. In midlife, at last, you come face-to-face with life, not as a dream but as a challenge: one for which you can now learn to be eternally grateful. Read More...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Einstein Quotes

Einstein Quotes: 6 Great Lessons You Can Get from Them

Albert Einstein is one of the most celebrated scientists of all time-and oftentimes he's viewed as eccentric. Nevertheless, despite his weirdness, there's one thing that we've not got from him: his mind. What better way to celebrate his genius than through different Einstein quotes.

The Lesson from Einstein Quotes

Indeed, more than the theory of relativity and several mathematical equations, Einstein left a mouthful for us to share to everyone: the Einstein quotes. And with variety of great lessons we can derive from them, surely, we wouldn't mind being overly generous:

1. Einstein teaches us about peace. A lot of people assumed that because he's a scientist, he lived in seclusion. Though this is partly true, the Einstein quotes will tell us that he was never really afraid to speak his mind. He has very strong views on politics, most especially on peace. He wanted to advocate peace and order in different parts of the world, considering that he'd lived through the horrors brought by World War II.

2. Einstein gives us a different view of fear and death. There are some Einstein quotes that will show us how much he loved life and yet how much he embraced the possibility of dying anytime and anywhere. And because he knew that he had a surprising influence to the world, he was gracious enough to share his views on this matter through his inspirational sayings.

3. He shows us that gossip doesn't take you anywhere. Einstein would have never attained the status he enjoyed when he was alive if he had entertained gossips about him or about other people. For him, there are three things that are important: work, play, and keeping your mouth shut.

4. He gives us a whole new meaning about patriotism. Einstein quotes can inform us of the basic formula for patriotism, and it doesn't include violence and mandatory offering of one's life for one's country. For him, it should come from the bottom portion of your heart, and the passion to protect your fellowmen should push you to make the ultimate sacrifice.

5. He adds importance to life and living. Albert Einstein doesn't only care about space, Earth, or molecular structures. More than anything else, he put great emphasis to the value of human life and its role with respect to the universe. He could discuss about a human person' frailties, but never failed to also mention about his victories, strengths, and uniqueness-things that make us kings and queens among living things.

6. Einstein quotes show us Albert's love for God. Einstein would often describe himself as agnostic, but deep inside, he's one great lover of God. He believed in the Almighty's great influence on people's lives and that one can attain enlightenment when he had already given up his selfish desires. He also stressed that science and religion are two independent things but are complementary to each other.

Albert Einstein quotes will be something that will help us get by each day-and more important perhaps than all the scientific theories you can ever learn from him. Read More...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What is Your Life's Purpose ?

Why Are You Here?

Have you ever wondered why you were put on this earth? Is there something deep inside you that makes you believe that you are here to do something special? That you have a calling to fulfill? That you have a life's purpose? If so, is that purpose, that higher calling, being fed and nurtured? Or is it dying on the vine from neglect and inattention?

"The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose" Richard Leider

If indeed there is a purpose in your life, and if you really want to discover it and then proceed to live it out, where do you start?

You might want to begin by asking yourself these questions:

1. What is most important to me in my life?

2. What are my deepest values and beliefs?

3. What motivates me? (i.e. What makes me get up in the morning?)

As you meditate these questions, thoughts and ideas will begin to surface that will help you to evaluate where you are now and where you want to go.

Reach for the Stars

The truth of the matter is, your life is already driven by some kind of purpose, although it may not be the purpose you intended. Your purpose may be basic survival - you just want to make it through another day. While physical survival is important, is that the highest you want to attain? Will you limit yourself to mundane, inferior soap-opera scenarios when it's possible for you to reach for the stars? Ultimately the choice is yours.

You need no one's permission to dream big. To reach for those stars. To chart out your life to live it to the fullest. To find your own personal purpose - your own reason for being.

Finding your purpose is not an achievement. For instance, you can receive a great promotion in a job you hate, and that would be considered a real achievement by many people. But is that your purpose? If you hate the job, probably not.

Overcoming Obstacles

Discovering and then following your life's purpose will be an evolving thing and may take many years. Obstacles will have to be overcome along the way. Those obstacles may be such things as fear of what others think - needing approval. Fear of the unknown - moving out of your comfort zone. Fear of failure - that you may step out to try something new and the bottom will fall out. Fear is definitely a dream-stealer. Only you can make the choice whether to continue to let those negative thoughts determine your actions (or your inactions).

Of this you can be sure - as your life's purpose becomes clearer, your life will begin to move more powerfully in the direction you want it to go. Slowly but surely, your days will become ever richer and fuller as you move with greater purpose, focus, and intention through this journey called life. Living in your life's purpose will bring the greatest joy you can ever know. Read More...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rhinoceros Can Fly

Did you know that one of the biggest animals on earth can fly? You didn't? And, if you have seen an rhinoceros fly, does this mean you are the only one? Well, this isn't as strange as you think.
Alright, maybe rhinoceros really can't fly but here is the point. Perceptions are the big reason that a lot of people see things that others do not see. Take the office environment for example where employees are constantly complaining about the unrealistic demands of their boss. Are their perceptions, or how they view the demands of their jobs, the real truth or are they simply the imaginations of those employees? Some of their feelings may be real and some may not. The point is, however, if you feel that your boss is overly demanding then they are. It doesn't matter what the truth is; the fact is because this is your perception no matter what your boss does or doesn't do, your perception is your reality.
Perceptions play a significant role in our lives each and ever day no matter who or where you are. In fact, your perceptions will rule first before logic, fact, or truth. Perceptions are difficult to change. These thoughts enter your mind from the start of the day to the end. If you think you are going to have a lousy day where everything that can go wrong will then, in most cases, this is what you'll get. If you think that you will never get out of your current rut, then this is where you will undoubtedly stay.
So, what's the answer? Who will help you change your perception? You may not want to hear this but the only person who can change your perception is you. It is not up to anyone else; not your spouse, children, bosses, friends or family. You make the choice on a daily basis of what you believe to be the case, or what you feel won't be the situation. Thousands of people are stuck in the perception that they are owed a better future, a better job, or a better more rewarding relationship. Nothing, unfortunately for those looking for a magical cure, can be further from reality.
The only person responsible and accountable of who you are, what you will be, or what you can have is up to you. You are in control. You decide what your life will not only look like but actually what it will be. Dreaming that some miracle will happen won't get it done; hoping that others will change before you do is only fooling yourself. And, not only is this fooling yourself but you are not taking responsibility. You are really giving control of your life to circumstances or to others.
Take control; change your own perceptions; take action that will move you closer and closer to who and what you want from life, and do it now. Read More...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Secrets to Looking Elegant

What is your first reaction when you are invited to an event or party of some kind? Do you start looking forward to it, or do you start panicking over what you will wear?

If you fall into the second group you're not alone. Many women struggle to find an outfit that they feel comfortable in and that suits their figure, but if you follow a few simple rules you can get a big head start whenever you need to buy something new for an upcoming occasion.

The first thing you should think about is your figure. Do you like to wear figure hugging outfits or would you prefer something looser and more flowing? Most women have something about themselves that they would prefer to hide, and by carefully choosing what you are going to wear you can create a look that accentuates your best features and takes the attention away from those you'd rather keep to yourself!

Another point to think about is colour. Some women automatically go for black to try and hide a larger figure, but sometimes a well tailored and comfortably fitting outfit in a lighter colour can enhance your figure a lot more. It also looks a lot brighter during the summer months when you really need a light colour to help keep you cool in the sun.

Don't forget what you wear on your feet either. Heels are wonderful for making you stand up straighter - keeping your back straight and your tummy sucked in - but don't wear anything higher than you feel comfortable in. If you buy new ones especially for the occasion it can be a good idea to break them in before you go out, since you don't want to be contending with blisters and sore feet while you are having fun.

Accessories are also important since they can provide a stunning finishing touch to any outfit, regardless of the colour or style. Fashion jewellery is a good way to complete the look without spending a lot of money doing so, but make sure you buy your outfit first. You can then match your jewellery to what you are wearing. This is especially advisable if you are trying to match colours.

Another point to think about is what kind of outfit you are going to opt for. Do you feel more comfortable in trousers? Or do you always head for the section of the store which has all the party dresses on display?

Party dresses are certainly more feminine and can keep you looking and feeling cool during summer parties and get togethers. Coupled with a few accessories they provide a quick and easy way to get ready in no time and you can still turn plenty of heads when you arrive! Read More...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Che Guevara The Cuban Revolution In This Era

Ernesto 'Che' Guevara has long polarized opinion, with followers hailing him as a revolutionary hero - Nelson Mandela called him "an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom" - but others seeing him in a very different light.

Today, despite such debates, he is a character of popular culture and the monochrome graphic of his face has been reproduced on thousands of t-shirts, posters and banners across the globe.

Che's international renown is matched by his acclaim in his own country and backpackers staying in various Cuba hostels will find he is still prominent character in the national consciousness.


In the center of the capital lies the Plaza de la Revolucion and at 72,000 meters square, it's one of the world's largest. It's also the site of public political speeches from Fidel Castro and other significant figures.

On one edge of the Plaza is the building of the Ministerio del Interior and a huge ironwork mural of Che hangs down its side. Such an iconic image of Cuban culture is a must-see for any traveler staying in Havana hostels.

Santa Clara

Travelers looking to find out more about this enigmatic character in Cuba should head on to Santa Clara, the provincial capital of Villa Clara.

Just three hours from Havana, the city is home to a Museum dedicated to Che, as well as his remains which are interred in the mausoleum along with those of his comrades from Bolivia.

Exhibitions at the Museo Historico de la Revolucion include items related to his role in the Cuban Revolution of 1959. It attracts around 170,000 visitors each year, ranging from curious travelers to dedicated supporters.

In the heart of Santa Clara, another square called the Plaza de la Revolucion also contains a large bronze statue of Che.

However, there's much more to both the man and the myth of Che Guevara than these monuments and it's perhaps worth buying one of the books from the museum at Santa Clara. Read More...